Jony Ive on Design Concepts and iOS 7 [video]

Sir Jony Ive is the mastermind behind many of Apple's great hardware products (MacBook, iMac, Mac Pro, iPod, iPhone, etc). He's also the design genius and creator of iOS 7, the latest mobile Operating System announced at this year's Worldwide Developer Conference, being held this week in San Francisco. Many said he wouldn't be able to pull off the move from designing incredible hardware to amazing software. My take? A resounding "Yes!". iOS 7 is simple and refined.

Here's a short video not just showing off some of Ive's new design concepts for iOS 7, but it even goes into some of his design philosophies in general. It's a great watch. 

Posted on June 11, 2013 and filed under Design, iPhone, iPad, iOS, Opinion.