December 23, 2017 - The Week with Only Four Days

Guess who's back, back again (cue slim shady (except that's apostate so don't actually))?! Since Christmas is on our normal pday we have PDay today!

Not a whole lot has happened this week to be honest. We've been caroling a lot which is by far my most favorite missionary activity!! Everyone is so much nicer and willing to let us talk to them...for the most part.

One of my most favorite experiences this week comes from my personal study time. I'm working my way through the Book of Mormon and right now I am reading 3 Nephi. Christ has appeared to the people of the Americas and He's speaking to them. I loved loved LOVED studying that this week. Especially with Christmas right around the corner (!!!!!!). I have learned a lot of my mission so far and I've learned even more about my Savior. I am eternally grateful for Him. I will never be able to fully express it in words but I love Him with all that I am. He is my absolute favorite part of Christmas.

I love y'all! Have a fabulous Christmas and I'll talk to y'all in the new year (except my family who I get to talk to on Monday!!!!!!!❤🎄❤🎄!!! 

We share a message about Jesus Christ, wanna TACO 'bout it?

We share a message about Jesus Christ, wanna TACO 'bout it?

We share a message about Jesus Christ, wanna TACO 'bout it?

We share a message about Jesus Christ, wanna TACO 'bout it?

Miss Photogenic at it again!

Miss Photogenic at it again!

Happy Chrysler y'all!!! (Guess that reference!)

Happy Chrysler y'all!!! (Guess that reference!)

Posted on December 23, 2017 .

December 18, 2017 - The Week I Rode a Bike... IN PANTS!!

This week has been so full of ups and downs! Shocker I know... But definitely more ups than downs that's for sure. We saw a lot of miracles! Yesterday, I was really sad because none of the investigators who had promised they would come to church did. I was slightly angry because we had done everything that we were supposed to do and they just didn't come (agency is reallllyyyy annoying sometimes let me tell ya...). So I was feeling all sorts of sorry for myself when a member came over to us and introduced his friend to us by saying "she's very interested about the church and would like to learn more." WHAT?! Crazy crazy miracle. I jumped right out of my slump and slipped right back into happy, missionary, Sister Allgaier. Do what you're supposed to and blessings WILL come! 

This week we watched the Life of Thomas S. Monson with an interpreter for language study and I was amazed at his dear wife, Frances. She never complained! If the wife of the prophet of the church never complained surely the small-town, Utah missionary doesn't need to complain either!! So I made it a goal not to complain this week. I was tested...oh man was I tested... (Sidenote: if you are not dressed, please PLEASE do not answer the door. It's just not neccesary *gags*) I am an imperfect human but I did the very best I could and it changed everything! I was such a happy missionary! 

The scripture of the week comes from the Book of Mormon (again). 
Mosiah 4:9
"Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend." 
Belief is so powerful!! If you can't believe but you have the desire to believe, it says in Alma to let that desire work in you. Keep praying, keep reading your scriptures, keep coming to church and belief will come. Eventually, belief will turn into faith. And faith is beautiful! So work at it!! 

I love y'all! Oh and just so you know, because Christmas falls on a PDay my pday for next week has been moved. I will be having PDay on Saturday, December 23rd. So I will talk to y'all real soon. 🎉

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

My most favorite people ever ❤❤

Bike riding in PANTS!!!!

Bike riding in PANTS!!!!

'Tis the season for caroling

'Tis the season for caroling

Also 'tis the season for diabetes (ft. The Grinch Cakes I made for our district meeting)

Also 'tis the season for diabetes (ft. The Grinch Cakes I made for our district meeting)

Also 'tis the season for diabetes (ft. The Grinch Cakes I made for our district meeting)

Also 'tis the season for diabetes (ft. The Grinch Cakes I made for our district meeting)

Also 'tis the season for diabetes (ft. The Grinch Cakes I made for our district meeting)

Also 'tis the season for diabetes (ft. The Grinch Cakes I made for our district meeting)

Posted on December 18, 2017 .

December 11, 2017 - The Week I Saw My Breath... In Florida!

This has been such a fun week!! As my title suggests, it was BUTT COLD this week. Still is mind you. When I first received my call to serve here in Jacksonville, Florida and people told me it would actually get cold, I laughed in their face. Well guess who is laughing now... everyone. Literally everyone cause it's frigid. But it makes caroling feel more normal! 

This past week we had our mission Christmas party and it was a blast! I love seeing all of my mission friends and meeting new ones. I'm so grateful to be serving a mission during Christmas. I said it last week and I'm probably say it a few times more but I LOVE CHRISTMAS AS A MISSIONARY. It's the best.

Transfers were this week and Sister Gilbert and I are safe!! I'm going to be in St. Augustine for 7.5 months! Cue the applause. 🎉🎉 I'm so excited to be here for another transfer. I love being able to serve with the deaf and use the talents God gave me to help them. I love love this area!! The other sisters, Sister Knudsen and Sister Daniels, are also staying!! Yay for the #StressSquad staying together for another 6 weeks!! As for the elders, we will be gaining a brand new greenie fresh from the MTC in our district as well as another elder who has been out for just a little less than me. It's going to be a good one!! 

My scripture this week is found in the Book of Mormon. 
Helaman 5:47
"Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world." Faith in Jesus Christ is vital! That's why it's the first principle in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we rely on our faith in the Savior, not only will we be okay but we will have peace and KNOW we will be okay. That's one of the many blessings of having faith and what a blessing that is. I'm so grateful for the peace and knowledge that comes from having a foundation in Christ. 

I love y'all! Have a fantastic week!



Miss Photogenic ft. One of my fav STL's S. Hardy

Miss Photogenic ft. One of my fav STL's S. Hardy

Trying to stay warm in the Polar Ice Caps

Trying to stay warm in the Polar Ice Caps

Service for daysssssss

Service for daysssssss

Service for daysssssss

Service for daysssssss

Service for daysssssss

Service for daysssssss



Posted on December 11, 2017 .

December 04, 2017 - The Week My Companion Was Born

*Special birthday shoutout to my cutie comp* 🍩🎉🎁 


Let me tell you, Christmas time is the best time to be a missionary! Let me tell you why. You can knock people's doors at 8:50pm at night and no one gets mad at you as long as you're talking about Christmas or singing about Christmas!! It's the best!! Now Christmas in Florida is a whole new ball game. Never did I think I would go caroling in December wearing sandals while breaking a sweat. It's so fun!

This week has been so super humbling and so happy! We have been teaching a cute deaf couple and they decided to be baptized!! I am so happy for them! They are great. It was cute, when I told them I might be leaving soon (transfers are coming up) they offered to move up the baptism date to this coming Saturday so I would for sure be there. I made sure we clarified that it doesn't work quite like that and being baptized in January is a much better idea.

I hope you are all doing your very best to #LightTheWorld. What an awesome opprotunity to show other what we believe by serving others! I've noticed that service is a such a brilliant way to help others know Christ through our actions. Never ever doubt the power of kindness and service.

Transfers are coming up this week and who knows what will happen but what I do know is that I stinkin love being a missionary!! It's so hard but it's a good hard... are you picking up what I'm putting down? If not, serve a mission and then we'll talk. ;)

Love y'all!!

Scripture of the Week: Helaman 5:47 "Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world"

Posted on December 4, 2017 .

November 27, 2017 - The Week or Turkey and Presents

This was such a fun week! My heart is full of gratitude (and not just because it's Thanksgiving). I don't have a ton of time but I do want to say thank you to all of you who are supporting me out here! I love y'all and enjoy some pictures from this week.

Round 2 at Alligator Farm

Round 2 at Alligator Farm

Thanksgiving day was spent at the church and my grandma comp was knitting

Thanksgiving day was spent at the church and my grandma comp was knitting

Opening the BEST card ever for my birthday

Opening the BEST card ever for my birthday

Posted on November 27, 2017 .

November 20, 2017 - The Week We Got Hit By a Semi-Truck

This week has been wild. My subject line does not lie. This past Wednesday, I was driving and waiting in a turn left lane when a semi truck behind me decided not to slow down quick enough and nudged our little 2017 Chevy Malibu right out of its way. True story! Thankfully, everyone is okay. Our car bum is a little smooshed, poor Baby Balooga. We put him in the shop this week so keep him in your prayers (and us cause we will be out of a car for a hot minute). 

Just wait, THERE'S MORE. Friday morning, at the bright and early time of 6:30am, we left the apartment to go running. Sweet, sleepy Sister Allgaier locked the door behind her. With no key. Not my brightest moment. Our loving bishops wife came and picked us up and took us to her house where she made us breakfast and let us warm up, since it was surprisingly chilly outside. We then made the hour and a half walk back to our home to meet the locksmith who was going to let us in. We finally showered at 11 o'clock. Some missionaries only exercise for half an hour and others exercise until 11 o'clock. What can I say, we are dedicated!! 

Despite the wild adventures of Sister Gilbert and Sister Allgaier, I did actually want to share something spiritual with y'all (that southern thing is rubbing off on me gosh dang it....)! 
Something I loved studying this week was being a completely consecrated missionary! Missionary work is not always fun, it's not always easy and it's not always rewarding immediately. But when we give ourselves completely to the Lord we can stand with the utmost assurance and know that He is watching out for us. My current favorite scripture is Doctrine and Covenants 123:17 "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." Do ALL you can and do it with a smile on your face (forced or not) and be still. Know He is God. 

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving week! I have so many things to be grateful for and I know y'all do as well.

The damage

The damage

The damage

The damage

Night of Lights with my cutie district

Night of Lights with my cutie district

Night of Lights with my cutie district

Night of Lights with my cutie district

Sister Allgaier's little stupidity moment (I locked myself out)

Sister Allgaier's little stupidity moment (I locked myself out)

SUPER unflattering picture of my bff and I ❤

SUPER unflattering picture of my bff and I ❤

Posted on November 20, 2017 .

November 13, 2017 - The Week My Bike Tire Exploded

This week hasn't been super exciting except for the fact that my bike tire exploded and almost killed the elder that was trying to fix my tire for me. #LoveTheBikeLife No one was hurt, don't worry.

Something Sister Gilbert and I have learned this week is that we are truly AWFUL at taking pictures and when your week is not so exciting and you have no pictures, you have nothing to write about in your weekly's! So that is our goal this week. To take more pictures and have more exciting moments so I can say something in my emails! Sorry about that kiddos.

This week we did have zone conference which was so good! We have even more ideas that the first presidency and the quorum of the twelve are trying out on the Florida Jacksonville Mission so stay tuned!!

Thank you so much for all your support and prayers. I love you all!! 

Our companionship in a nutshell

Our companionship in a nutshell

My fav S. Knudsen

My fav S. Knudsen

Posted on November 13, 2017 .

November 06, 2017 - The Week of Stress

This week was SO stressful but hey I can tough things.... right?? It was super fun and it's been a whole lot of change but I'm working on being better with change.

Something that I've learned this week is if you seem to study humility a lot by accident, Heavenly Father is going to give you chances to work on it!! I don't have lots of time but Sister Gilbert and I are having a blast! I am stoked for this new transfer and my new district (as weird as they are ❤)!!  



S. Gilbert and I!

S. Gilbert and I!

RIP mom

RIP mom

xoxo your fav signing missionary

xoxo your fav signing missionary

Posted on November 6, 2017 .

October 23, 2017 - The Week of The Calm Before the Storm

Man, I am just the worst email writer in the history of missionaries... So sorry. I wish I could say this week will be different but...

This week has been probably not one for the books because it has been slow BUT happy days can for sure still be found. In fact, we had an AWESOME devotional yesterday! And we had some really amazing people that we love dearly come with us!! What I really loved from this devotional was the focus on how much God loves each and every one of us INDIVIDUALLy!!! How incredible is that? Our Heavenly Father loves us so much and knows all of us. He knows YOU!!! Such a good devotional.

I love being a missionary. It's hard, stressful and sometimes slow but I LOVE it. I could not be doing anything better with my life right now. The gospel is so true and so good for everyone. If you don't know it's true, if you already know it's true, or you wish you know it was true- pray and ask Heavenly Father if it's true because He will tell you. Without a doubt.

I love you all! Thank you for all the support you've given and continue to give me. It means so much! 

Trade-off's with cutie Sister Harris

Trade-off's with cutie Sister Harris

St. Augustine District putting on their tourist hats today and toured downtown.

St. Augustine District putting on their tourist hats today and toured downtown.

The yummiest little biscuit place (Maple Street Biscuit Company)

The yummiest little biscuit place (Maple Street Biscuit Company)

Posted on October 23, 2017 .

October 16, 2017 - The Week of Pictures

This week was not super exciting but we have a lot of pictures so here we go!! Love you all!!

Two cute member girls picked some pumpkins for us and a 4 year old picked mine. She dubbed it the "corn pumpkin."

Two cute member girls picked some pumpkins for us and a 4 year old picked mine. She dubbed it the "corn pumpkin."

Disrtrict Pics for the win

Disrtrict Pics for the win

One of our fav families are heading to Mexico for a few months so we had to say goodbye.... We LOVE the Rowlands!!

One of our fav families are heading to Mexico for a few months so we had to say goodbye.... We LOVE the Rowlands!!

Tracting per usual

Tracting per usual

We got rained on...what else is new?

We got rained on...what else is new?

"St. Auggies" #USUislife

"St. Auggies" #USUislife

Posted on October 16, 2017 .

October 09, 2017 - The Week of Water

WE BAPTIZED!  WE DID IT! I'M SO HAPPY. It was the best day ever. We literally spent all Saturday at the church. We got to the Church and started filling up the font only to find that there was NO hot water. We called the elders in a panic so they broke the rules and came to the Church to help us (we can't be in even numbers in the church by ourselves). Elder Martin deemed it to be fine. They couldn't figure it out so that was sad for Rhianna... while the font was filling up we set everything up and practiced our musical number. Rhianna asked us to do the musical number for her! Sister McConnell played and I sung. It was actually really pretty. But we had a great turn out. I have never been so happy for someone else!! She kept texting saying "I am so happy!" It was the CUTEST thing.

Also, we got name signs this week! Morgan's mom surprised us with them. I was also SO STINKIN HAPPY.

I have no time but I love you all!!

Pics: They're all baptism pictures 😊😊

Posted on October 11, 2017 .

October 02, 2017 - The Week I Went Swimming

This week was long I won't lie but we had some really great funny moments. It's been raining here in the Shores for days and it's been flooding again due to do the amount of rain and lack of a good draining system. Even when it's flooding and even when we are biking, we go on! After conference (which I will get to later) we called one of our part-member families to see if we could come teach them. She agreed and off we went. Little did we know, a puddle we needed to go through went UP TO OUR KNEES. It was nutso. So fun though! Well until Sister McConnell brought up the fact that it could have an alligator in there. You better believe me and my bike were out of there so fast. 

Conference was AMAZING. If you haven't watched it, watch it. Right now. It's beautiful. I'm so grateful to have modern day prophets and apostles that are so in tune with the spirit. I love this time of the year. So don't miss it! Go, study, ponder and LOVE it. 

I have like no time now since we played beach volleyball but I will have a reallyyyyy good email next week so stay tuned. 😉😊

I love you guys! 

General Conference selfie

General Conference selfie

The Puddle

The Puddle

We found our first cockroach here and we killed it by using the good word of God

We found our first cockroach here and we killed it by using the good word of God

Posted on October 3, 2017 .

September 24, 2017 - The Week I Wasn't a Greenie Anymore

Guess who officially isn't a Greenie anymore!? Me! I am in my third transfer and I'm loving life. I love serving a mission and am so grateful for this opportunity. I have learned so much already and I can see myself changing into the person Heavenly Father wants me to be.

This week has been so crazy. We learned that our mission will be one of twelve missions in the world who will begin using Facebook and will receive smartphones!! We are so blessed to have these tools to hasten the Lord's work even further. So yes, I will be posting on Facebook in a few weeks but it will not replace emails so don't stop emailing me!!

Our investigators are great! Please keep Morgan in your prayers. She needs to feel some love right now. Rhianna is still set to be baptized next week so we are so excited for Her!

I'm grateful for the service we were able to do but I'm so happy to be back in the swing of things! I'm grateful for your prayers and so grateful for the support and love I feel from you.

Love you all!!

Service for days

Service for days

Cute convert family!

Cute convert family!

Sister McConnell and I on the daily

Sister McConnell and I on the daily

Posted on September 25, 2017 .

September 18, 2017 - The Week of Jeans and Yellow

What a crazy fun week! All we've done is serve, serve, serve which means I have only worn jeans and yellow shirts. Everyone knows who we are that's for sure!! It's a lot of work but people are so grateful and so happy to see our humble shirts show up.

I don't have tons to say but it truly has been a busy week. I love having this opportunity to represent my Savior the best way I know how, through smiling service!!

I love you all! Thank you so much for your prayers, they really worked! I'm okay and the hurricane can't take this missionary down!! 

PS. Sister McConnell and I are safe for another transfer together!!! 

Service selfie with the district

Service selfie with the district

Posted on September 21, 2017 .

September 09, 2017 - The Week We Evacuated St. Augustine

First, I'll give you all an update with Irma. Sister McConnell and I have evacuated. We are staying in Middleburg, which is more inland than St. Augustine, with some other sisters. We evacuated yesterday and have been given instructions to stay indoors for safety. We will be here probably until Tuesday or Wednesday. The storm is to hit us on Monday morning. The church is so organized in it's procedures. Thankfully our mission president, President Lee, is so great and is taking excellent care of us by taking all precautions necessary to ensure our safety. After the storm hits we will be out and helping clean up. Since the storm is hitting on Monday we are having our PDay today! So, SURPRISE!

Let's move on from the storm. Morgan is doing amazing. She also evacuated but asked us how to find a church building where she is staying so she can go!! Her faith is incressing every day and I am SO blessed to be here while she comes unto Christ. It's incredible.

This week the elders had a baptism and the whole district was able to go. We were asked to sing the musical number and I was asked to speak on baptism. I was so happy to be there and see this darling girl follow her Savior more perfectly. Morgan also came to the baptism and it was so awesome! She loved it. She felt the spirit and was so happy to be able to experience the same thing in a few weeks!

We have been working with a cute family and we taught them repentence this last week. When I asked who had ever made a mistake they all raised their hands and said "Sister A we know YOUR mistake! You forgot to bring us the seed!!" (We had previously taught them about faith and I told them I had a mustard seed and forgot to bring it.) So yes, I was called to repentence by a bunch of kids. It was humbling to say the least.

Thank you so much for your prayers this week especially. I am very excited for this storm to hit so I can get out there and serve already!  I love you all!

Here's this super attractive one during our conference call where we found out we were being evacuated

Here's this super attractive one during our conference call where we found out we were being evacuated

Middleburg sisters and us

Middleburg sisters and us

Posted on September 9, 2017 .

September 04, 2017 - The Week That Wasn't a Week

It's been like 4 days but here we are again! It's been great since we last talked so I don't have a lot to say. I'm alive, the hurricane hasn't hit us (yet), Sister McConnell and I still love each other, I'm still sweaty, our investigators are still AMAZING, and this gospel and SO true and SUCH a blessing! 

And that's what you missed on The District: 4.

Sister Knudsen and I

Sister Knudsen and I

We went to a beach!! (No we didn't since it's against the rules but it looks like It) 

We went to a beach!! (No we didn't since it's against the rules but it looks like It) 

Our BEAUTIFUL investigator Morgan

Our BEAUTIFUL investigator Morgan

Posted on September 4, 2017 .

August 30, 2017 - The Week Sister McConnell Became a Murderer and Sister Allgaier Became a Plumber

I have no time today (shocker amiright??) but I have to explain my title.

We were coming in for the night and Sis M picked up her bike to carry it up and took a step and we heard a loud *pop*. We both looked down and she had STEPPED ON A FROG AND KILLED IT WITH HER CROC. I could not stop laughing and she was mortified. It was so funny/gross/sad/one for the books.

Yesterday I went to the bathroom and the toilet wouldn't flush (TMI but it was only a number 1 so I have no idea what happened there). So I grabbed a plunger and tried that for a bit but it didn't work. So I tried flushing it again and the water just didn't stop flowing. It just kept going. So I started yelling for Sis M and she came in and stopped something in the back of the toilet. So there we were. Both standing in an inch of PEE WATER. IT WAS AWFUL. We couldn't finish our studies because we had to bleach everything. It was a problem. Funny, but an annoyance because we had to go to the other sister's to shower in the morning. The plumber just finished fixing it actually so we have our toilet back!

This was a crazy crazy week with SO many blessings. I am so sad I don't have time to tell you them but know that I'm not just destoying bathrooms but am actually making a difference in some people's lives. ;)

I love you all!! 

Our broken bathroom. What do ya do?

Our broken bathroom. What do ya do?



They have these cutie bells on almost all of the porches. Don't worry, they weren't home when we took this.

They have these cutie bells on almost all of the porches. Don't worry, they weren't home when we took this.

We hiked, yes hiked, the lighthouse! 219 steps #gonnagetswoll

We hiked, yes hiked, the lighthouse! 219 steps #gonnagetswoll

The District 4 coming to theaters near you!

The District 4 coming to theaters near you!

Posted on September 3, 2017 .

August 21, 2017 - The Week I Hit a Nail... I Think

Sister Allgaier is now the designated driver so it will come to no surprise, for those who knew me, that I got a flat tire this week. Thank heavens for elders who know how to change a tire. It was an adventure for sure.

Apart from that, it was a great week filled with lots of shut doors, dropped appointments, and the occasional miracle. We met our miracle this week while it was raining immensely. Sam Cloud (please refer to and watch the safety video entitled "An Interview With A Cloud") was really trying to get his two-for-one. We knocked an apartment complex and met Shelagh. She is the nicest person I have ever met. She let us right in and we gave her a Book of Mormon. She was so shocked we would share it with her. It was the cutest thing ever!! People that are kind to us forever help make knocking scary places worth it. 

In regards to the deaf community, things are booming! We have a deaf referral we are seeing this week which is so exciting. One of our deaf members asked me to interpret hearing Sacrament this week and ask me how terrified I was. Very terrified. I don't think I stopped praying for that whole hour. The gift of hands is SO real. I was signing signs I know I didn't know but they understood and I made it through. It's so good because the deaf members are trusting us!! It's so good. We should be getting name signs this week so stay tuned.

FYI: My PDay this coming week will be on Wednesday, August 30th so if you don't hear from me, don't worry. I'm not dead. We have zone conference on Monday so our whole mission is doing PDay on Wednesday.

I love you all! Have a great week and I pray for you all!!

This is our so solid deaf investigator, Debra!

This is our so solid deaf investigator, Debra!

We walked down St. George street. So many fun shops!

We walked down St. George street. So many fun shops!

We went to the Fort last PDay and it was so hot but also rainy. It's the weirdest sensation.

We went to the Fort last PDay and it was so hot but also rainy. It's the weirdest sensation.

Posted on August 21, 2017 .

August 14, 2017 - The Week of More Sweat


Would you believe me if I told you it got hotter this week?! Well you should. Because it did. Even the locals were saying how awful it was. So that was so fun to bike around in. Not to mention since we are in hurricane season here, it storms almost daily. Which means we get soaked almost daily. It's a joy serving in the FJM that's for sure! 😉

This week was a lot of knocking and a lot of miracles. It's not secret that I don't enjoy knocking doors but Heavenly Father knows that and this week He put so many miracles in my path for trying to find joy in knocking. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that God DOES know me and He cares about ME. What a blessing and a privilege. But it's not just for me, it's for everyone!! So tell your friends, your family, your neighbors that God loves them!! Spread the good word and the joy that follows is immeasurable. My time is short today but I love you all and pray for you. Thank you for your love and support!

Very sweaty, very happy Sister Allgaier

Very sweaty, very happy Sister Allgaier

We had dinner with some members for their birthday!

We had dinner with some members for their birthday!

Real missionary work consists of leaving notes when they bail on their appointments

Real missionary work consists of leaving notes when they bail on their appointments

Everyone's walls are made of seashells and it's so cool!

Everyone's walls are made of seashells and it's so cool!

We got drenched while biking and this was the aftermath (make up free and frizzy haired)

We got drenched while biking and this was the aftermath (make up free and frizzy haired)

We got drenched while biking and this was the aftermath (make up free and frizzy haired)

We got drenched while biking and this was the aftermath (make up free and frizzy haired)

We went to Ripley's Believe It or Not museum last PDay. The elders enjoyed watching me get scared when things moved unexpectedly so it was not my most favorite place to go.

We went to Ripley's Believe It or Not museum last PDay. The elders enjoyed watching me get scared when things moved unexpectedly so it was not my most favorite place to go.

Posted on August 14, 2017 .

August 07, 2017 - The Week I Finished 1/13 Of My Mission


What a week it has been. I cannot believe it is PDay already. This week we had interviews with President Lee! He is such a great man. They say you don't get called to a place but to a mission president and I can attest to that. He is so inspired. I'm grateful for the chance I had to meet with him for a bit and check in. Because of interviews I decided I would actually curl my hair and give that a go. Never again will I attempt to make that effort. Florida and doing your hair does not work like you would hope. Anyway, interviews were great.

Unfortunately this week I wasn't feeling too well so we spent a day in while my body fixed itself. Thankfully it did and we didn't need to waste anymore time. We did happen to go out that night and since we didn't have a car and we were not up for biking, we walked. Naturally, all appointments we had made had fallen through so we did a lot of knocking. A normal activity for us. As we were walking home we noticed a storm was rolling in and it was coming fast. Florida storms are not to be messed with. Especially the lightening. We called one of our sweet investigators who saved us. She got to us just in time and took us home. We love love love our Miss Sarah! She saves us more times than we can count.

Our deaf investigator Debra came to church again!! We were SO excited to see her. She loves going to deaf sunday school and deaf sacrament. In relief society it's harder because there aren't as many but we have a great interpreter. Please keep Debra in your prayers as we continue to teach her and continue to help her towards baptism. We are so excited for her and her continuous faith in our Savior.

This week I learned a lot about humility. Especially when it comes to my signing skills. It's been hard but I know that this is where my Heavenly Father needs me to be. I know that this is the refining I need. In 1 Nephi 20:10 it talks about being chosen for refinement. I think I've said this before but I will say it again, do NOT deny yourself the refining God has in store for you by thinking you are too good to suffer. Friends, this is the hardest thing I've ever done but I know with my whole soul that this is worth it. I know that this gospel has been restored and that this is the way to happiness and our Father in Heaven. If you don't know that yet, it's okay. But don't sit and wait for that knowledge to come to you. Faith requires action. Ask God. He has the answers and I promise He will give them to you if you are sincere.

Thank you so much for your love, support and prayers. I love you all! 

Official district picture

Official district picture

Malibu Crew (we all drive Chevy Malibu's)

Malibu Crew (we all drive Chevy Malibu's)

Oh and we survived transfers. Sister McConnell and I are staying in St. Augustine Shores for another transfer!!

Oh and we survived transfers. Sister McConnell and I are staying in St. Augustine Shores for another transfer!!

Gotta love the Sunshine State

Gotta love the Sunshine State

We went tracting and found the beach. This is torturous...

We went tracting and found the beach. This is torturous...

This is the prettiest area I swear

This is the prettiest area I swear

Posted on August 7, 2017 .